I use to always brush my teeth, use mouthwash, chew gum, and use a breath mint or spray or something before I kissed her, if I smoked. Back to Green Bay, the people I was visiting found out that I was a young boy smoking cigarettes, after trying to hide it and cover it up from them. I had a fresh addiction to nicotine flowing through my veins and I craved for a cigarette after that delicious meal.
Shortness of breath, bad colds and flu symptoms, yellowish (coffin) fingernails, eyes looking lowly and dimly lit up were signs of the unhealthy aspect of smoking cigarettes. I apparently loved cigarettes and it was a marriage of convenience that kept us together as one. Enough said for the glory of smoking cigarettes.
Time passed and I learned to smoke the real McCoy, cigarettes fresh out the pack or crush-proof box! I got dizzy and light-headed in the beginning of my 24-year ICE Apple Naked MAX life sentence as a smoker of cigarettes. Put it this way, if you had a cigarette, I would probably smoke it without hesitation.
At home, we hid our bad smoking habit by sticking our heads out of the bathroom window while smoking cigarettes. We used air fresher and aerosol hairspray to kill the smell of cigarette smoke. One snowy evening, in the winter of 1982-83, my brother and took a walk down the avenue where we lived, to smoke cigarettes.
Trying to imitate my father, cousins, other adults, movies stars, soldiers, cowboys, musicians, tough guys, bad guys, good guys and any other heroes who smoked cigarettes. One day a friend stole an open pack from his mother and we tried to smoke a real cigarette. Time passed and I learned to smoke the real McCoy, cigarettes fresh out the pack or crush-proof box! We used air fresher and aerosol hairspray to kill the smell of cigarette smoke. One snowy evening, in the winter of 1982-83, my brother and took a walk down the avenue where we lived, to smoke cigarettes.
I do not always remember specifically what time I began cigarette smoking cigarettes, however I carry out keep in mind the time that I give up cigarette smoking as if it were actually the other day. Attempting to mimic my father brown, relatives, various other grownups, flicks celebrities, soldiers, cattle herders, entertainers, hard men, negative fellas, really good fellas and also any sort of various other heroes that smoked cigarettes. One day a friend stole an open pack from his mother and we tried to smoke a real cigarette.